Personal Injury firm Mercury Legal Online support Action for Brain Injury week with launch of specialist Brain Injury website.
It’s Action for Brain Injury week this week; an annual event led by Headway running from 13th – 19th May.
The event covers a wide range of issues and focuses on generating awareness of brain injuries and the devastating effects that it can have.
Personal Injury firm Mercury Legal Online are supporting the event and have launched a new website,, to provide targeted information on all types of head and brain injuries and the legal options available.
The website also contains an infographic, providing details of the symptoms, causes and legal aspects associated with head and brain injuries.
Every year in England and Wales approximately 700,000 people attend hospital A&E departments with a head injury. The majority of head injuries are minor; however it is always best to go to the hospital straight away, to rule out any permanent damage to the brain.
Gavin Moat, Senior Partner at Mercury Legal said of the website launch: “We wanted to design a website dedicated to providing information to those who have suffered a head or brain injury and their loved ones.
“We hope this website will act as a key resource for people affected in any way by a head or brain injury, and allow them to find all the information they need, when they need it.
“Along with the infographic, we hope the website will inform people of the legal issues surrounding head and brain injuries, to ensure that people know their legal position from the start. We fully support Action for Brain Injury week and hope to provide useful and timely information on the legal options available”.